Integrating personal stories into their witty and humorous narrative, the authors of Myers Psychology for the AP® Course get you interested in psychology as you prepare to take the AP® exam.
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Integrating personal stories into their witty and humorous narrative, the authors of Myers Psychology for the AP® Course get you interested in psychology as you prepare to take the AP® exam.
Organized Around the AP® Course
The 14-unit organization of this new text mirrors the scope and sequence of the College Board’s AP® Psychology Course Description.
Incorporates AP® Terms and Content
Because this text focuses entirely on AP®, Dr. Myers completely reworked his text to align all the content with how it is best taught in an AP® classroom. For example, Edward Tolman is now explicitly associated with the concept of "latent learning" in the Learning unit, and Gustav Fechner with the concept of "absolute threshold" in the Sensation/Perception unit. In another example, Myers’ Psychology for AP® includes the term "procedural memory" as a synonym for "implicit memory."
Uses High School-Specific Examples
Dr. Myers re-wrote the examples in the AP® text to be high-school friendly. For instance, a reference to "Remember when you were in high school?" is now the more appropriate "Remember when you were in middle school?"
Embeds AP®-Style Practice Questions
Longtime AP® Psychology teachers, Readers, Table and Question leaders collaborated on the multiple choice and free response questions found throughout the text. Charlie Blair-Broeker, Randy Ernst, Rob McEntarffer, and Steve Jones supply you with more questions than any other text, along with a grading rubric for all free response questions in the Teacher’s Edition.
Includes Robust Ancillary Materials, Including a Wealth of AP®-specific Resources
Myers’ introductory psychology texts have always led the market with unmatched resources, and Myers’ Psychology for AP® is no exception. We offer a teacher’s edition, resource guide, ExamView® test bank, and more.
New to This Edition
Updates on DSM-5
Throughout this new edition, Dr. Myers reflects the DSM-5 changes, with inclusion of the most current terms and clear, objective reporting on related controversies.
A Modular Approach
Eighty short modules allow you to more easily pace yourself, whether you are on a traditional, semester, or block schedule. Students also enjoy the less intimidating chunks of easily-digestible information. Enrichment modules at the end of the book offer material pertinent to psychology but outside the scope of the exam—perfect for keeping students interested and engaged after the exam.
Measurable Learning Objectives
If you’ve been charged with writing your own learning objectives or course goals, Myers’ Psychology for AP® 2nd Edition can help. This edition features clear, measurable learning objectives at the beginning of each module. Closely following the AP® course outline, these learning objectives are revisited throughout each module and in a review section at the end of the module.
On-Page AP® Exam Tips
Veteran AP® teacher Charlie Blair-Broeker wrote these helpful tips to call out important AP® concepts or potential pitfalls as students read. Appearing in the margins of the student edition, alongside relative content, these tips offer gentle reminders and suggestions to help students succeed throughout the course.
Even MORE AP® Practice Questions
Found at the end of each module and at the end of each unit, the second edition boasts more than 500 practice multiple choice and FRQs. FRQs include a rubric to guide students in how the exam might be graded. PLUS! A full-length AP® style practice exam appears at the end of the text to ensure students have nailed down the content and are ready to tackle the real test in May.
List of Key Contributors
Written by Kent Korek, this thorough list of Key Contributors to Psychology highlights the most important people students should know in psychology. Students can access the Key Contributors incrementally at the end of each unit or accumulated in an Appendix at the end of the text. A Key Contributors Study Guide on the Book Companion Site (BCS) ensures they are familiar with these core contributions to psychology. Visit the BCS by selecting “Go to Site” in the right-side navigation bar.
AP® Prep Guide
Strive for a 5: Preparing for the AP® Psychology Exam is a guide that gives students additional support throughout the course, and is the optimal preparation resource for the AP® Exam. Organized around Myers’ Psychology for AP ® Second Edition, the Strive for a 5 offers support and guidance during the school year, as well as AP® Psychology tips, suggestions, and two complete practice exams in preparation for the test in May.
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