Connecticut Pistol Permit Process
The Connecticut permit process is fairly lengthy, but in the end is very straight forward. At this time CCDL understands that many towns and even the state are not following the guidelines that were set forth by CT law. If you experience any issue with obtaining a permit, feel free to email

Info provided as a courtesy from CT Gun Safety.
Connecticut has a pretty detailed process, but it is not all that difficult. There is a requirement to take a pistol safety course (which is what we offer with the NRA Basic Pistol Course). Whether you are in or out of state wanting a CT permit, you still need the course.
Let’s go through the process:
- Go to your local police department and pick up a pistol permit application (form DPS-799-C). If you do not have a local police department, this form can be picked up by contacting your town’s first selectman. This form has all the instructions required by your town. Bring this to class and we will help answer any questions you may have.
- Register and take a course. The NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course covers state pistol permit requirements. This course is at least 8-hours long and includes classroom and range time learning to shoot revolvers and semi-automatic pistols. After you complete the course, you will get a certificate and/or letter stating you completed the course.
- Enter all the information required on the application, your course certificate and notify your local issuing authority (police department or first selectman). They will set up a time where you can drop off all completed paperwork, process fingerprints, etc. Don’t forget the required payment for your town and state.
- Wait! CT statutes mandates that this process take no more than 60 days, but many towns tend to take their own time on this step.
- You will be notified whether you have been approved or denied. Assuming approval, you pick up your temporary permit for your town. If denied, then you may file for an appeal with the State of Connecticut Board of Firearms Permit Examiners.
- Take your temporary permit and bring that to the Department of Public Safety for your actual permit. Once you have this permit, you are new allowed to carry a pistol or revolver, where legal, in the state of Connecticut.
Some towns have taken it upon themselves to ask for extra, not needed information. More information on these can be found on our “extra information page” here.
There is no expiration date on NRA training certificates. CGS 29-28 states only that the applicant must successfully complete an approved course of training. The NRA site discusses the only certifications with expiration are for instructors.
Fee structure for the permit process:
$70.00 to the town, local authority fee
$16.50 to the DPS, federal fingerprint/background fee. Note: Some towns charge $12.50
$50.00 to the DPS, State of CT Fingerprint/background check fee
Then you get your temporary permit and
$70.00 – State DPS pistol permit fee